Ngwa Numfor

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God is in your Nature

The similarities between Nature and its Creator

Nature creates much like its Creator

What do you consider ‘Nature?

Was your first thought a tree? Or maybe a scene full of animals and plants living in harmony. Perhaps they were even signing? If any of this was in the realm of what came to your mind well – I’m not here to say you’re wrong.

For me, however, I believe if we truly examine the essence of what “Nature” embodies we will see the holistic meaning of the word expands beyond greenery, and into the realm of Universal Truth.

Before we go any further, in order for these words to resonate fully you need to accept the following:
You are a part of nature, and Nature is a part of you.

If you can accept this then please, continue….

It all connects…

I would “define” Nature as a fundamental part of the human experience.

It pervades all parts of our lives and connects us to everything around us in an intricate manner that can only be considered divine. Origins of the English word “Nature”, come from the Latin word “Natura” which translates as a verb to ‘be born’, and as a noun to ‘Universe’.

At the birth of the universe, Nature’s existence began.

It grew as a reflection of evolution for all conscious, and unconscious, beings inhabiting the vast regions of space.

Nature is in everything. It’s in the device at your fingertips that connects you to billions of people in virtual reality. It’s in the quiet space you can visit to listen to your thoughts and allow yourself to feel whole.

”Nature” is everything, and “Nature' is everyone. If this is true, then how is “Nature” any different from ‘God’?

I am of the belief that “Nature” is synonymous with ‘God’.

The power, beauty and overwhelming influence of “Nature” on our psyche is an accurate depiction of what some religions refer to as ‘God’. We are created by “Nature”, judged by it, and ultimately a part of it.

If we are a part of Nature, then is it outlandish to propose we are part of “God” too?

What does that mean?

For the last part of this muse, I want to provide you with a certain lens to look at the word ‘God’.

Don’t think of ‘God’ as the judge, jury and executioner. Don’t even think of “God” as the provider. I want you to solely consider the aspect of God that is the Creator.

And think of yourself. You create something new every day.

When you go to send a text, make a meal, or even speak. Everything you do is a creation of a thought that is acted out and brought to life. Humans bring visions in their minds to reality every day, but they can’t recognize their power because they are not using it for what they want.

It’s easy to create for someone else.

It only requires a minimal amount of your ability. So little that you can do it now without really caring. You have been creating so often that you don’t realize this is a superpower, unique to humans in comparison to most beings on Earth. Our gifts don’t necessarily come from our physical stature, they come from the unlimited potential in our minds.

Having the awareness to recognize the power you possess is only the first step in realizing your true Nature. We were created to co-create. To make a world that we all would be happy and comfortable inhabiting.

You’re a part of God, and God is a part of you. So sit down, listen, and act accordingly.

Soon the reality you yearn for will come true.